Marvel's The Avengers Double Epilogue Spoiler Alert

Marvel's The Avengers debuted on Friday May 4th, and at this writing has already broken the all-time opening weekend record with an astounding estimated $200 million at the box office.

I was fortunate enough to see the film several weeks ago when I hosted the Orlando IMAX 3-D premiere, but thanks to Walt Disney Pictures' embargo policy, I was previously prohibited from presenting a review.

Now that the film has opened, there are hundreds of reviews available, so I'll skip to the synopsis: it's the best comic book movie since Superman II, with all the heart and humor Buffy fans hoped director Joss Whedon would deliver. Go see it now. Twice.

When you do, be sure to stick around until the end credits, and then stay some more. The film features two "Easter egg" scenes for those who watch until the bitter end. The first comes after the first sequence of end credits, and sets up the inevitable sequel with a quick cameo from a face serious comic fans should recognize.

The second secret scene comes at the very end of the extended credits, and was not present in pre-release prints that preview audiences saw. In fact, this final scene was shot after the Hollywood premier, as Robert Downey Jr. let slip in a red-carpet interview. Without giving the surprise away, I will say the scene is among the funniest 30 seconds of silent cinema I've seen all year, and well worth staying seated for.

