Brave -- the latest computer-animated film from Pixar, and their first to feature a female protagonist -- opens in movie theaters on June 22. To promote the film, a "Highland Games Tournament" interactive experience has been installed in Epcot along the rose path between the Imagination and Canada pavilions.
Elements of this minor attraction include a jungle gym, archery game, and toy caber toss, all in keeping with the film's Scottish theme. There are also banners advertising other promotional tie-ins, like Adventures by Disney guided tours. At the end of the short path, guests are given a complimentary pack of photo postcards with puzzles and games on the back.
I visited on a moderately attended, overcast weekday, but there was still a substantial line of people waiting to try their hand at these "highland games." There was also a camera crew present, filming guests reactions to the experience.
Enjoy these photos, and stop by to see the Brave exhibit for yourself if visiting Epcot this summer.
Elements of this minor attraction include a jungle gym, archery game, and toy caber toss, all in keeping with the film's Scottish theme. There are also banners advertising other promotional tie-ins, like Adventures by Disney guided tours. At the end of the short path, guests are given a complimentary pack of photo postcards with puzzles and games on the back.
I visited on a moderately attended, overcast weekday, but there was still a substantial line of people waiting to try their hand at these "highland games." There was also a camera crew present, filming guests reactions to the experience.
Enjoy these photos, and stop by to see the Brave exhibit for yourself if visiting Epcot this summer.
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